I have a PT/INR meter which I would liken to a glucometer. A drop of blood and it calibrates the PT/INR. I wonder does anyone know how accurate it is? The first patient I tested with it had a PT of 66.6 and a INR of 6.9. I called the doctor of course. He had the patient hold his coumadin for 3 days. I went back and retested and got an INR of 3.5. The doctor then told him to start back on the coumadin but at half the dose he had been on. Three days later I tested him and his INR was 4.9. Some patients I draw blood on for the PT/INR and some I'm told to just check with the meter. I wondering how accurate it is? I'm thinking the next time I draw blood for a PT/INR I ought to also check it with the meter and then see if the results turn out to be the same. Just wondering if any of you have experience with the PT/INR meter? Thanks