psychiatric pathways


anyone out there utilizing any clinical pathways for any of the psychiatric diagnoses?

We started to pilot pathway developed by sister hospital; it was cumbersome, used a lot of wasted paper, and needed changes...we revised it but then pilot was stopped, believed it could have worked with more fine-tuning. Do you have a specific question about their use?

not really. I am initiating one for the detox arena(we are a combined unit-MH/AODA). I was wondering if the pathways work for psych. It seems to me they would be too individualized unless they were our chronics.

Unless the psychiatrist buys into the pathway- there is no way it will work- I tried to implement a "Depression" pathway" utilizing DPH/JCHO and "Milliman and robertson" guidelines. It was useful in tracking "variances" but if you don't do anything with the information- what's the point!----The Pyschiatrists MUST accept the concept!!!- however- there finanial compensation counter any therapuetic benefits of quick discharges.

I'm also very interested in creating pathways in psych. We have a clinical indicators committee running that could use this information. We use electronic nursing care plans but I am lost as to the creation of creating pathways. Would love to communicate to others - my email is [email protected]

At Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital in Windsor , Ontario, we have developed pathways for Psychosis, ECT, Eating Disorders, Self Injurious Behavior and Depression .

We will be starting on hypomania/ Bipolar soon.

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