Getting an LPT before becoming an RN

Specialties Psychiatric


Hi, I'm in taking classes right now at the local junior college to get into the RN program. One of the things the counselor told a group of us is that we could get into the licensed psychiatric technician program, and then after graduating that year program would take a semester off the RN program and give us more experience for a job in psychiatric nursing. Have any of you gone through a similar program or work with any people who had? I was thinking of just going through the RN program, but if it's easier to get into the LPT program and gives more experience then that might be the better choice.


doesn't sound right to me......each semester of nursing school pertains to medical-surgical nursing. psych is an "extra" required class (as well as O/B & Peds), so i don't see how they could take an entire semester off for someone who went through a psychiatric tech program? LPN's are usually the only ones who get credit for previous schooling.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

To my knowledge, only California has licensed psych techs that can use education towards nursing degree.

See: California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians

CA has clamped down on education requiring course work and clinical time be coexistant. Please discuss this with nursing program you are planning to attend. Could not find any info in CA updated RN regulations.

California, Alaska, Colorado and Arkansas recognize and license Psychiaric Technicians. Colorado is the most stringent, ahead of Ca. Saldy, PT's are not fully recognized or allowed to practice with in the scope of their practice; because they do not exist nationwide and are not specifically included in CMS regs, they are specifically included in Title 22 of CA. I spoke with the BRN of Ca 2-3 montha ago. There is credit for PT's for one semester only as they part ways with LVNs; PT programs do not include OBGYN/Maternal Nursing and there is a little less med surg. (check out the cirriculum) In terms of psych, PT's have a substantial amount of training in de-escalation, crisis intervention and therapeutic groups, DD population etc.

There are several JC's that offer LPT to RN program. The program does allow the LPT to receive credit for experience and admit to the Second semester of the RN program. The LVN admits to the 3rd semester.

The following are schools that provide PT to RN programs.........

Rio Hondo College

San Joaquin Delta

Contra Costa


are those the only colleges in ca that offer lpt to RN

Hi, I'm in taking classes right now at the local junior college to get into the RN program. One of the things the counselor told a group of us is that we could get into the licensed psychiatric technician program, and then after graduating that year program would take a semester off the RN program and give us more experience for a job in psychiatric nursing. Have any of you gone through a similar program or work with any people who had? I was thinking of just going through the RN program, but if it's easier to get into the LPT program and gives more experience then that might be the better choice.


I have my LPT license & upgraded to an RN, & i entered in the program in 3rd semester, so yes what your counselor said is true...@ least for me it was

it worked that way for me, but it differs for ea state

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