psychiatric graduate programs

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Can anyone recommend an online psychiatric nurse practitioner program? Is anyone taking such a program now or has anyone taken one in the past? I would like to find out what various programs are like and which ones you would recommend. Thanks Krisssy

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
can anyone recommend an online psychiatric nurse practitioner program? is anyone taking such a program now or has anyone taken one in the past? i would like to find out what various programs are like and which ones you would recommend. thanks krisssy

i do not know anything about the following:

rush university online psychiatric np program

columbia university, new york

university of south alabama

university mass @ amherst

probably more and others can advise you. good luck!!

siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc

a colleague was attending the vanderbilt program a few years ago and he seemed very pleased with it. i think it was mostly online with 1-2 visits on campus each year.


i do not know anything about the following:

rush university online psychiatric np program

columbia university, new york

university of south alabama

university mass @ amherst

probably more and others can advise you. good luck!!

siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc

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