Psych nursing interview

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello everyone,

Would someone please find some time to help a student? :) I'm taking Mental Health this quarter and one of our assignments is a professional interview. I can be any Mental Health professional: nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.

I should also say that I really appreciate your help. This is a huge favor that I am asking. I hope you can find some time on your - I'm sure - very busy schedule.

This is not a homework in a way that I have to do work myself before discussion (other than asking questions and think about the answers), it's an interview. We are supposed to find professionals in the area, ask them questions about the future of Psych nursing and discuss those in class. Our instructor asked us not to ask anyone from our clinical site, so I am in a bind because I only know one person in the area (ANRP) and I'm having problems contacting her.

It can be anonymous, of course, but the more you give me, the more we can discuss in class. I may ask more questions depending on what is answered, but this is what I have so far:


  • 1) What are your roles and responsibilities?
  • 2) What do you consider to be the trends in mental health?
  • 3) What do you consider to be the challenges in mental health?

THANK YOU so much - I'm enjoying this quarter very much!

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