Published Feb 8, 2008
8 Posts
Is anyone here familiar with a psych NP's scope of practice in terms of prescription when it comes to non-psychotropic meds? Could a psych NP, for example, who is seeing a patient suffering from a strep infection at the same day the NP sees him for his psychiatric consultation prescribe an antibiotic (penicillin or keflex for example) for the patient?
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
You should check with your NPA with your state BON. Also, were you educated to tx for something like this as well as dx/tx other healthcare issues?
I would think, yes, but you need clarification with BON.
Also, I moved your thread to the NP forum for a better response.
142 Posts
I am an FNP and prior to getting that I was a psych nurse (ANCC board certified) and am now getting my postmaster's as a psych NP. It really depends on your SBON but in most cases the anser is no. As an FNP I can see see and medicate psych patients (but can't do individual therapy) but as a psych NP I can't treat strep infections. That is one reason I chose the route I did. I live in Montana and we have one of the most liberal scopes of practice for all nurse practitioners.
If you think you want to do more than psych then evalute your schooling.
177 Posts
How would you evaluate them? Would you get a BP, temp, pulse, height, weight? Would you do a rapid strep? Send for cultures? Do you have complete medical records on the patient or just psych records? Can you evaluate all of their medical complaints to rule in/out other possible causes of a sore throat? Would you rule out mono before prescribing that amoxil? How often do you prescribe abx? Enough to be familiar with local resistance patterns? Can you write for the epi pen when the patient has an allergic reaction?
There are a lot of questions the lawyers will ask you when the time comes.