Published Sep 4, 2011
3 Posts
hi there,
i am interested in gathering your interpretations on the acorn phrase "progressive counting away technique". i am currently assisting in updating my australian or's policy and procedure manual and there has been much debate over what this phrase entails. depending on where staff members were taught to scrub/scout there is a variety of different interpretations coming up.
ie: my interpretation, and how i was taught was, to begin with patient, move to trolley (clean then dirty) then move to items off the trolley (count away from the patient)...or others say vice versa, i am interested to know your rationales.
many thanks,
lauren )
84 Posts
Counts are to be done in this order: start at the surgical site,then mayo stand,then back table,and then off the field.Sponges should be counted first,then progress to sharps,bovie tips,etc.Instruments are the last items counted.Sponges are the the most common item to be left in the patient,they are bloody,hard to see in the wound,and sometimes stick to each other when wet with fluids and blood.So counts begin at the surgical site and progress to off the field,in a systematic manner.Hope this helps.
GadgetRN71, ASN, RN
1,841 Posts
This is how I was trained as well.