Published Feb 3, 2012
3 members have participated
4 Posts
I am an experienced RN in a different specialty, however in general, I'd like to hear your opinions on whether you think a RN position at a private pediatric outpatient clinic for 1-2 doctors, or working in a well-known hospital's pediatric EEG lab would be less stressful? I assume both places would be very busy, however if anyone has any info regarding this, I'd really appreciate it. I was offered a position at both jobs and am not sure which one to go with. Both would be Mon-Fri with flexible hours during the day and no weekends. Of course, I am also taking into consideration salary/benefits which are pretty comparable with both jobs.
3 Posts
That's a tough decision. You should be thrilled to have two job offers to consider! How is each work environment? You didn't mention what area you work in now. I'm assuming the EEG lab is in the hospital. If your're currently working in the hospital and like that environment that may be a nice transition. I didn't realize they hired RN's for EEG labs. Where I work they have technicians who perform the EEG's. The outpatient clinic may be even more fast paced and you'd be working closely with the doctors. You may learn more and gain more experience at the clinic, where the EEG lab is very specialized. I'm in a similar situation with a potential job offer. I think you almost need to weigh the pros and cons of each position to help guide your decision.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
Office peds means hundreds of difficult phone calls daily where you give advice and when itisn't what the parents want they give you a lot of xit. Trust me on this. EEG lab any day!