Previously passed or previously scheduled?


Specializes in Geriatrics, Med/Surg, hospice.

I took my NCLEX-PN at 8 AM this morning. I got 85 questions, about 17 SATA, a lot of priority questions. I did the PVT and got the 'previously scheduled' pop-up. I know that the good, good pop up is the 'previously passed', but based on most of the posts I've seen lately, people have primarily been getting the scheduled one instead. Does it differ by state or did Pearson figure out people were using the trick and change the wording??

My friend took hers yesterday, and got the previously scheduled....and her license # posted this morning. But not sure if its 100%

I just took my NCLEX-RN this morning, Jan 12, 2012. The test shut off at 78 questions and because I had failed before and remembered how I felt the last time I just knew that I had failed. I came home and checked the PVT after it said "delivery successful" and got the "old" good pop up. All day I have been unsure how to feel because I didn't want to get to excited but then after another few hours of searching through other people's threads I realized that the PVT verbiage has changed now to "previously passed" and now I don't know what to think??? Then I went on my page and realized that when I registered this last time that I had put the wrong month of graduation by accident and am thinking now that maybe that is why I got that message because my records are not matching up? Any advice? :)

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