Published Oct 24, 2010
3 Posts
I worked for over 4 years as a CNA, I then ventured off to other aspects and areas of work. I have decided to return and am wondering if I can challenge the California CNA test.
38,333 Posts
Call them and find out. It should be no more than filling out the application and paying the fee to take the test.
thanks I will call Monday morning
See if you can find the application online. I couldn't find it one time years ago when I looked. You might be able to get the info you need and fill out the application from the website today.
is this the proper application?
Would I call the red cross for testing? as I dont think the CDPH offers the test themselves.
I don't see anything on this form for someone who has already held a CNA certificate like in your case. I think you should probably call them and see if you can do this without having to go through another training class.