Published Feb 3, 2006
4 Posts
Hi, I have never posted here and love this forum. I am looking for an RN to BSN online program.
I have had transcripts reviewed to the 2 colleges in my state (NC) that have RN to BSN online programs: UNC and east carolina university. For one I would need to take 12 classes before getting in and the other I would need 8. Has anyone had a similar experience?
I just didn't think I would need that many prereq's since I've had 4 years of college already. (2 years for ADN and 2 years at another college = 134 cr hr total).
I'm checking into other states to see what I would need, and cost is a factor.
I'm interested in knowing how many prereq's it took for you to get into a BSN program. Thanks.
115 Posts
I would recommend Excelsior College to you. They afford you 30 credits toward your BSN just for having taken the NCLEX-RN, and the cost is very affordable compaired to other colleges, and will take most if not all of your credits. With 134 credits you should have virtually only nursing credits to take (7 classes total).
Good luck!!
Thanks for your response. I will look into them. Have you taken any courses with them? I think I originally ruled them out a while back because of some negative things I have seen on these boards about their BSN degree.