Published Mar 7, 2007
37 Posts
I was wondering if those of you fresh out of school could suggest some good reference materials to read while waiting for the 1st semester of the program to begin.
I don't have any of my textbooks for the program yet, but I thought some of you may have suggestions outside of textbooks (or not) that would serve as helpful reading now through the summer to freshen up terminology, systems, functions, etc...and everything else that would be good to review.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
3 Posts
Try buying some of the books from the series Nursing "Made Incredibly Easy" - they have a variety of books on assessments, IV therapy, wound care, fluids & eletrolytes (thats a big one). Maybe start with the assessment book - so that you have a solid base when you start. If you need more suggestions, let me know!
Good luck!:welcome:
162 Posts
I think no matter where you are in nursing, whether you have completed your study programme, or are currently nursing, that you can never go past:
1 Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Adult Health Dictionary - I have the fifth edition and would love to update it.
2. Hitner H, and Nagle B (2005) Pharmacology: An Introduction, 5th Ed, McGraw Hill Higher Education, Boston
The pharmacology book is great because it gives you a simple outline of each system as well as the pharmacology side of things. It wasn't the recommended text for my course (ie I had the other as well), but it is an extra reference which I think you will find really useful.