Published May 13, 2016
PennyMT, LPN
112 Posts
Hello. I am almost finished with the LPN program (7 weeks today left until graduation) and found out I am pregnant. Very early into the pregnancy (3 weeks). Anyway, I am in a state of panic. It wasn't planned. I am happy with the whole situation, except for the timing. I take the boards this July, and most likely will be applying for jobs the end of July (that being I pass - fingers crossed). Will I be able to find work pregnant? Do I need to tell them I am pregnant? Me and my boyfriend have been planning to find a place together over the summer, but now I am thinking to stay living with my mother and save until a little before the baby is born, so I can move out then. Is this all realistic? Anyone been in this situation? He lives with his brother, so moving in with him isn't an option. If I am mixing information, please ask, I am foggy-headed today. Thanks for listening.
53 Posts
Op congratulations I've been following your progress good luck on [COLOR=#6a6a6a]NCLEX[/COLOR] you got this lol I would stay at home and save money for the baby and new home it'll be much better in the end good luck don't over think it. I wish you a healthy, fun, painless pregnancy
569 Posts
Congratulations. I know it is rough - I got pregnant unexpectedly in my last semester, too.
You are under no obligation to tell anyone you are pregnant while interviewing, and you shouldn't. While they technically can't use it as a reason not to hire you, they can usually find a reason to go with another applicant.
Same applies after you're working - you're not obligated to tell anyone until you want to, you need accommodations of some sort, or later in the pregnancy when you need to discuss leave. I would suggest waiting until after your probationary period if at all possible.
If you are clearly showing, it's a bit of a different situation, since then it's kind of an elephant in the room that has to be addressed.