Preceptor issues

Specialties Critical


So my preceptor and I have butted heads a few times. 
I always try to explain my thought process, when I’m wrong, with the intention of letting her know where my thought was based so she can redirect my thought process. I’m really looking for her to say instead of doing that, you would do x, y, x because ….” 
but she perceives it as arguing. We have had this discussion plenty of times. But it doesn’t seem to be working and it makes me super anxious. 
I have been trying to not cause any problems because I hate drama, I really do. But yesterday, my patient was super hypertensive, partially bc he was not adequately sedated. So she decided we probably needed to get him a bolus of fentanyl and titrate his drip up. 

here’s the issue. whenever I pull a narcotic, I NEVER waste it in the moment. NEVER. mainly because I always check my pockets by the end of the shift and I would forget to throw the vial away, the vial is my reminder to go back and waste it. It would horrify me if I accidentally brought a narcotic home with me because I wasted it when I pulled it and forgot to toss it. 
but anyways, I asked her to waste it with me later and when we went to do it, it said I had already wasted it. It says I pulled it at 14:36 and it was wasted at 14:37. I’m like 80% sure I was with her when I pulled it and she was like let’s go ahead and waste it because I would NEVER do that on my own. She got mad at me over it basically and I told her I don’t recall exactly who I was with but I thought it was her. 
we checked the Omnicell history and It wouldn’t tell us who I wasted it with. 
is this a big deal or am I making it a bigger deal than it really is

Specializes in I've worked most every part of Psychiatry;.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, And thanks for your comment!    My point was the preceptor causing anxiety of the Orient.  My Specialty is Psychiatry and I agree with the Narc concern!  In my close to 30 yrs of practice I don't think I've ever drawn a Narc any where but the Med room and then a witness waste! 

To clarify if the Orient is getting anxiety from their Preceptor?  That concerns me,  been there.

quote from last Preceptor;  "Shari told me not to help you".  Shari was the Manager!     That's a flag!!    Bully manager abusing her power?    Casting anxiety on an Orient is a likely opportunity for a Med error down the road or then!  Just my thoughts

Specializes in I've worked most every part of Psychiatry;.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, And thanks for your comment!    My point was the preceptor causing anxiety of the Orient.  My Specialty is Psychiatry and I agree with the Narc concern!  In my close to 30 yrs of practice I don't think I've ever drawn a Narc any where but the Med room and then a witness waste! 

To clarify if the Orient is getting anxiety from their Preceptor?  That concerns me,  been there.

quote from last Preceptor;  "Shari told me not to help you".  Shari was the Manager!     That's a flag!!    Bully manager abusing her power?    Casting anxiety on an Orient is a likely opportunity for a Med error down the road or then!  Just my thoughts

Specializes in I've worked most every part of Psychiatry;.

Can think of two methods to solve the question.  Best?  Email the Nurse educator dept and save their response , practice accordingly, if the unit is doing any other method?  Well you got it in your pocket. ?

Specializes in I've worked most every part of Psychiatry;.

If your preceptor gets on your case while orienting you went to an additional educational resource, flip it and give the preceptor a learning moment!    Find some friends to help watch your back!   And really take a look at that work culture!    Just an opinion

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