Pre-nursing veteran cal state east bay fall 2013

U.S.A. California


Hello I'm planning on applying to CSUEB concord for fall 2013 I am a veteran and to my understanding is that they give priority to veteran's meeting the minimum requirements. This just seems to easy. Are there any veteran's that have applied to this program or anyone have any insight to this ? Thanks in advance for your response !

To those who are wondering about the military preference for CSUEB nursing, I'm a veteran and I can say with certainty that it is true!! I got accepted into the program. All you have to do is meet the minimum GPA on both the pre-reqs as well as your overall GPA. Take the TEAS, submit your DD214 and get accepted into East bay and your in. Of course individual cases will vary, but for the most part you have a great shot. Good Luck.

Congrats ! Which campus did you request ?

I know these posts are old but it is comforting to know that I am not the first veteran to apply to this program. I am still waiting to hear back from the nursing department on the pre-licensure program. When I first separated, counselors from LMC and DVC told me to apply to CSUEB nursing program because they give vets priority...I hope this is still true!

I am applying this fall, I am a veteran and they told me the same thing. I just have to pass all my courses with the minimum of 80%. Was it true ? Thanks

Hi Jade_01, yes it is true as I was accepted last fall under the exact same conditions. My teas was less than 80 and GPA less than 3. This criteria was true in 2015, I don't believe it has changed. Congratulations on completing your application to CSUEB, you have a good chance as a veteran! There are 6 veterans in my concord cohort, don't know about hayward. You should be hearing back from admissions soon, GOOD LUCK!

Does anyone know what the required TEAS score is to be considered for admission under the veteran preference program?

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