Pre-nursing student experience at Cuny Medgar Evers


Hey everyone so I wanted to post my experience at CUNY Medgar Evers College. The pre reqs are:

Anatomy and Physiology 1 with lab (Dont take --------------- he doesn't really prepare you for exams)

Psychology 101 (dont take -------------------)

Computer applications 101 (not necessary for application/can be taken later on)

College algebra and trigonometry (dont take ------------- but I highly recommend -----------------)

General Chemistry with lab (highly recommended -------------------. ------------- does not teach but if u can pass ur tests on ur own, even with a low score, you might manage to get a B+)

English composition (I believe its three semesters of english ex: eng 112, 150, 212.)

These are just suggestions from my own personal recommendations.

Cuny also makes you take extra things like us history, music or art and biology 101 (pre req to a&p) so be aware of that.

You have to complete or be currently taking these classes to be able to take the NLN-RN PAX. There are A LOT of pre nursing students in this school. There are so many that they hold three days for students to come in and register for the test. A ton of students also show up for nursing info sessions at the school.

The director of the program reccomends you have above a 3.0 in the sciences. It is super competitive but thats obvious because its cuny, the tuition is so cheap and now free (for families making under $125,000.) A majority of students applying have extremely high gpas and nln scores.

I did not get in because my gpa at the time was 2.7 after taking some more classes I managed to raise it up to 2.9

Nursing classes and clinicals are in the evening ONLY. It is a unsafe and dangerous neighborhood and I live very very far. So I guess I am kind of ok with not getting accepted.

I recommend that you do reviews on your professors and study! Attend tutoring when available. Good luck!

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