Pre-nursing schedule


is anyone else taking every single pre-nursing class and then when you get accepted into the program you will just have the nursing classes? does that make sense? so, for example my first semester i would just have nur 101-102

and then second semester i would just have nur 105 & 108.

i talked with some nursing instructors at the local college i am going to and they loved the idea. i will only have two classes each semester once accepted into the program.

your opinions?

At the Community college where I am taking all my prereqs, most of those that are going into the nursing program there that I know are doing just that....leaving themselfs with only the nursing classes, or maybe only one additional class to knock off.

My school is an 18 month diploma program and they are only the Nursing classes and clinicals, pre/co-reqs are done on your own at another school, usuall community college. Only 3 are required before starting, the other 5 being required by certain points (Micro/sociology/lifespan psych/A&P2/Nutrition, each have a class you must have them done by before you can start the nursing unit) Just about everyone goes in having them all done, or as with the Community college, just finishing up one last one the first term. I will have them all done this semester, and then start nursing in Feb. and so will have ONLY nursing on my plate and can give it my all

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