Published Sep 20, 2015
2 Posts
I'm interested in WGU's Pre-licensure program but I currently live about 2.5-3 hours away from their clinical sites in Houston. For those of you who have attended or are attending, what are clinical schedules like? Are they 5 days a week or are they less? I'm wondering whether it's possible/realistic to commute to clinicals or if I should just consider moving closer to the area. Right now WGU seems like the right fit for me and my family and I don't want to rule it out just because of location. I'd appreciate any help :).
29 Posts
I'm not in the program but I have applied for the next Dallas cohort. The clinicals are approx once every quarter, with the exception of OB which are in two consecutive months. They will give you a 2-3 week window in which the clinicals will be scheduled. My understanding is they will assign exact clinical shifts about 2 weeks prior (typically 3 shifts per week for two weeks). You will work with a preceptor and you will work their schedule. If you look on the WGU website under the prelicensure program they have a sample clinical schedule.
If you are a couple hours away from a clinical site I think it's doable to drive, but you may be better off getting a hotel if you have back to back shifts.
44 Posts
I am currently in the Dallas cohort. They like to get the schedules out 2 weeks in advance, but it is not a guarantee. I have a classmate that commutes about 4 hours. She stays with another classmate, but her schedule is random and her days were not all in a row. You are scheduled the shifts of your coach and they may not be all in a row. This last clinical she ended up staying a week and a half due to her coaches schedule change and she had to take off work more days. They tell you that you have to be completely flexible and free during those clinical and lab dates. The lab dates are set as well and no make ups from what I have experienced. Hope this helps. It would be doable, just depends on how flexible you are.