Published Jun 27, 2006
36 Posts
I was just wondering if you take the pre-entrace exam at a community college before or after you do your pre-reqs? I know you have to take a english and math test before you start taking classes but if you fail a portion of the test will they allow you to do it over, will they put you in a non-credit class first before allowing you to continue on? I am very good at English but suck really badly at Math and may need a refresher course. I see a lot of Math links here but I am one of those people that only learn when I can actually see someone else doing it. Thanks.
mysterious_one, ASN, RN
587 Posts
as far as i know these pre tests are designed to see, where you are , not to pass or fail you. The results will tell your admissions counselor on which level you need to start. I have been out of school for 20 years and had to ,according to these placement test , start in a developemental math course ( and there are diff. levels , also). It is not a big deal, lots of people need to do these courses. Granted , it will cost you some extra money , but if you need it, you need it. Good luck on your journey.
42 Posts
I agree with the previous poster -- that the NET results are supposed to reveal a basic aptitude, not pass or fail. A friend of mine took the NET last year and made an 89, but a classmate of hers made a 67 --- the classmate got into clinicals, but my friend did not get in clinicals until a semester later. Apparently the classmate had a higher GPA (not a lot higher, though) ... From what I understand, the NET is important, but not nearly as important as the GPA when it comes to getting into clinicals. The university that I am attending states that GPA is 50% of what they look at when considering a student for entrance into the nursing program, followed by whether or not you had to repeat a pre-req, NET score, whether you met the required number of credit hours at that particular university, and whether or not you already have a baccalaureate or higher degree. So, although I think a good score on the NET is important, it is certainly not the main deciding factor. From what many have told me, GPA is what should stand out.
Best wishes! :)
the pre test for college and the NET test are two different tests. The first one is like i stated previously, just to see in which classes you can start.(english , math, mostly). The NET is a "Nurse Entrance Exam". This test was part of the reqirements to pass with at least 50 % ,before you apply for the nursing programm. It also includes a math and a reading portion. As long as you pass it with 50% , you are good. And it is not a factor by itslef if you get accepted, the most important thing is your GPA on your prereqs. But you still have to pass this test.
i hope this clarifies it somewhat.
98 Posts
Carebear - Are you taking the pre-reqs at the college you mentioned? If so you should probably go ahead and take those pre-entrance exams. At many schools it's required before you take a certain number of hours. Talk to your advisor. If you need help in math it's best to get it, even if it means taking one of the developmental courses you mentioned. If chemistry is one of the prerequisites to your program you're definitely going to need to hone your basic math skills. Good luck to you.
Thanks everyone :), I think I was alittle confused about the difference between the placement tests and the entrance exam into the actual nursing program. After I take my placement tests I'm going to sign up for my classes ASAP.