Published Jul 1, 2016
MLTtonursing, BSN, PhD
34 Posts
I have been off and on this site for years. I read how many potential LPN and RN nurses ask about where there grades should be. I would say first check with the schools you plan on attending and talking to a nursing advisor there. The reason why ever school is different and has a different set of requirements. Sometimes you will surprised at how much you will learn from just talking to one of the advisors such as scholarships etc. I just want to wish all you guys the best you potential nurses.
I wrote this article because I see many students asking about information and the first place to go is the school you plan on attending. Here is some random information to get you started. Check to see when is the deadline for the application for the program. You need to make sure you have everything needed to complete your application in before the deadline date. Make sure you have take tests needed to be considered for the program completed. example:Entrance HESI, TEAS, etc. Check to make sure you have your pre reqs and the grade point average for that program to be able to apply. Make sure you know about tuition or scholarships for that school. Have any immunizations that may be asked for in the application but again everything depends on the program you apply to. I hope this article has helped at least one person.