Post Doctorate Fellowship in South Africa


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.


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postdoctoral research fellowship in health informatics

institute for ict advancement, school of ict, nelson mandela metropolitan university, south africa


an important reason for the failure of health information technology (hit) solutions is that

the original design does not reflect the work practices and social relations amongst its

users. this also leads to low utilization levels of ''successful'' hits, which means that the

solution is not utilized meaningfully. this has been shown to be inherent to the complex

nature of the healthcare environment.

this fellowship is focused on improving adoption and meaningful use of health information

technology (hit) solutions, with special emphasis on home-based healthcare (hbhc).

candidates with an information technology background, but strong interest / experience in

health informatics are encouraged to apply. candidates with a nursing background (or

other relevant), but a strong interest in hits, can also apply.


the research will be conducted together with students in the health informatics research

group within the school of ict ([color=#c98f33]

the postdoctoral researcher will be expected to contribute significantly to:

a. the publication of research outputs from current and previous projects;

b. daily supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate student projects;

c. strengthening of collaboration with partners (eg healthcare providers); and

d. conducting and leading fieldwork at a local ngo (specifically in the hbhc context).


a ph.d. information technology / nursing informatics / medical informatics or other

relevant field, obtained within the past five years, with a strong background and/or interest

in health information technologies (hits).


a covering letter and curriculum vitae, including all research outputs and experience

should be sent to prof dalenca pottas in electronic format at e-mail:

[color=#c98f33][email protected].



graham wright

research professor

faculty of health sciences

walter sisulu university


south africa


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