Published Jul 20, 2010
savnlivzPRN, LVN
184 Posts
Ok so I thought I only had 9 more GE classes and 2 nursing pre-reqs I go see a counselor today and he tells me I need 15 more classes ge and nursing combined.... If I take 5 classes which is deffinately doable for me I could knock this out by next fall
Ok here's my dilemma... I need about 15 classes before I could go into the nursing program... But if I only take one science at a time I'll have one class leftover for next fall... And if I do this... Then I cant apply for nursing program till the following fall what would you other college students reccomend? Take chem 110 and anatomy at the same time or just take a year longer?
Thank you all!!!
P.s. How would I delete my other thread?
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
Hi technogeek. I can see how that sets you back a bit. Most people dont get thru the pre-req phase without some sort of setback. Are you sure you can pull of the GPA with such a heavy load? If it was me I would phase the classes out over the next 2 years, but Im an underachiever. It would be at least one way to deal with the shortfall of the one extra class. Probably what you dont want to hear, but that is the way I would play it.
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
I've taken Chem & Anatomy at the same time. It can be done. Everyone knows their breaking points. I personally can't wait that long to get into the nursing program, so you got to do what is necessary. Is it even guaranteed you'll be in the program for the following fall? If you have the patience to wait that long, then take your time.
Well I am a single mother of two who is working full time taking 13 credits all online getting an A in each class... So I know if I bust my butt I could do it... But I don't wanna risk a cruddy grade if other feel those classes are impossible... I'd rather not wait an extra year... I'm getting fired august first and wanna go to school full time so the less time in school equals sooner job opportunities which equals less savings I have to spend.... Gaaaaaah darn u extra science class!!!!!
What was the extra class? This has me curious because I would have been in the same boat if I had started just taking pre-reqs 1 year later. They just added a science proficiency test at my school to get into the science classes. I was just over at the testing center and they told me only 2 people have passed the test campus wide. That means adding a lower level science class.
My hats off to you for holding down a full-time job, while taking a heavy load of class work, while raising children. I've been in the job boat situation as you, and it has led me back to school.
If you can handle it, now with job situation off your plate, then do it. If you get a bit overwhelmed you can drop a class (just watch out for the withdrawal dates).
I've completed all my prerequisites, but it wasn't any easy ride. I had to take courses between two different CC's, because I got closed out of one important class. But, I did what I had to so I don't get a set back.
Well it's micro... Cuz there's chem 110, anatomy, physiology and micro... Go it would be ideal to do 5 classes each semester 1 sci class each but there are 4.... So there's an odd man out...
It wouldn't have been a problem if I was taking the right classes this summer but I was mis informed... So 3 of my classes this summer don't count for anything....
I'm so glad I saw a counselor today or i'd be more behind...