Possible to apply to an accelerated program while enrolled in A&P 1?


I have all pre-reqs finished and As in all of them. I am a bit worried about making the deadline for this Spring's applications though. I still need to take both semesters of A&P! Will they even give my application the time of day w/out having completed them?

It seems like A&P are the 2 toughest pre-reqs, so I'm assuming that eventhough I have good grades in all of my other classes, they will weigh my total down since I have no A&P?

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

I'm not sure which school you're applying to. But, for the one I'm applying to, says to get my application in even if you haven't completed your prerequisites. As long as the remaining classes will be completed before the Accelerated program begins. If the classes will not be completed by then, you are forced to apply to the following semester.

I plan to apply for Fall 2010 and will be sending in my application by February even though A&P II won't be completed by mid-May 2010. The recruiter told me to get it in early and have my professors send in a progress report to them when I'm half-way through with the class so they can see how well or not so well I'm doing in those remaining classes. If my progress report shows I'm doing well they can send me an early "contingent acceptance letter", which means that I have everything that is satisfactory to the college and looks like I will do well in my remaining classes based on that progress report. Of course, if for some reason I spazz out and flunk everything and actually fail those remaining classes, they can revoke my acceptance when they receive the final transcript.

Hope this helped.

Also I want to add, for my Accelerated program, your GPA is based on the GPA you received when you were awarded your undergraduate degree. According to that program I must have at least a 3.0 GPA. It doesn't matter if I get all A's in the prerequisites courses. So, if that GPA is a 2.99999 when you received that college degree, they won't bother looking at your prerequisites or even the letters of recommendations. It's an automatic decline!

I'm not sure which school you're applying to. But, for the one I'm applying to, says to get my application in even if you haven't completed your prerequisites. As long as the remaining classes will be completed before the Accelerated program begins. If the classes will not be completed by then, you are forced to apply to the following semester.

I plan to apply for Fall 2010 and will be sending in my application by February even though A&P II won't be completed by mid-May 2010. The recruiter told me to get it in early and have my professors send in a progress report to them when I'm half-way through with the class so they can see how well or not so well I'm doing in those remaining classes. If my progress report shows I'm doing well they can send me an early "contingent acceptance letter", which means that I have everything that is satisfactory to the college and looks like I will do well in my remaining classes based on that progress report. Of course, if for some reason I spazz out and flunk everything and actually fail those remaining classes, they can revoke my acceptance when they receive the final transcript.

Hope this helped.

Thanks! That helps a lot. Will you be enrolled in A&P I or II by Feb when you apply?

I think my only option is to start A&P 1 (8 weeks accelerated) in Jan. and finish A&PII by May (also 8 weeks accelerated). I would obviously MUCH prefer though to space them out over the whole Spring semester, and then Summer, taking one in each term.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Glad I was helpful. I will be in A&P II by the Winter session (January). A&P II and Chemistry are my final prerequisites. So when I mail in my application, I will include my current schedule which will show both those remaining classes. This will let them know that I'm currently enrolled in the last prerequisites. And then by March, I'll have my professors send in a progress report to the college. The program doesn't start until September (Fall session).

Do you think I should try and get A&P started now if I'm also hoping to start the program in the Fall? Maybe an 8 week online class? I'm just worried they will get my application in Feb., see that I'm only ENROLLED in A&P 1, haven't even BEGUN A&P 2, and just toss my application.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

The best advice I can give is to contact them and ask them. They should be welcoming prospective students asking a lot of questions about requirements to get into their program. Every college is different so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. Also, you want to make sure you make the deadline for their application and also that by the time you complete A&P 2, the Fall semester has not already started. Preferably, A&P 2 must be completed before the application deadline, because at the deadline is where they look at ALL COMPLETED courses. But, like I said call and speak with the program director.

The best advice I can give is to contact them and ask them. They should be welcoming prospective students asking a lot of questions about requirements to get into their program. Every college is different so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. Also, you want to make sure you make the deadline for their application and also that by the time you complete A&P 2, the Fall semester has not already started. Preferably, A&P 2 must be completed before the application deadline, because at the deadline is where they look at ALL COMPLETED courses. But, like I said call and speak with the program director.

You're right I think they must favor people that have all their pre-reqs finished. Especially w/ A&P not there. I was kind of looking forward to not rushing through it though, and not feeling like I HAD to get an A to keep my pre-req gpa at 4.0;)

I doubt they would retract a conditional acceptance if you got a couple of Bs in them

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Oh no they definitely wouldn't retract the conditional acceptance. They would only do if you got a D or F. For my school not even a C- is accepted, so that too could get you in trouble.

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