Port access


What are some of the policies on accessing ports on patients using a spray numbing med. I know our outpatient clinics use them, however the hospital sticks to stricter policies and do not allow this use. I had a patient complaint against me for not using this and thought I would research it a bit. I work in a hospital setting.

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

You are probably talking about Ethyl Chloride spray......Policies and procedures vary on this. we have a P and P that I wrote that lumps them all into one policy...that way the nurse can decide what type of topical or subdermal anesthesia to use..wheter that be Emla...LMX.....2 percent Subdermal lidocaine or a patch.......it is a standardized procedure in Ca..allowing us to do this.....next for the port......I did not make the spray an option as we have found it has not been that effective for us....we just use the subdermal lidocaine as it is the fastest acting..and that is if the patient requests it.....Ports do become de-sensitized over time and if done with a quick and sure motion can be fairly painless.

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