Politics in Nursing... HELP!

Nurses General Nursing


Hello everyone,

I am a new nurse and about to finish my first year of experience as a nurse. Currently I am working at a nursing home and would eventually like to move into an acute care facility. I love love love nursing but the politics that come with it are such a headache.

The main problem I have at my current job is that the staffing is horrible. I understand that not as many people apply to Nursing Homes because they are understaffed and the benefits aren't as nice, but when they start to put people that don't work any more on the schedule just to fill up the spaces, I start to get worried.

Recently I spoke up to the administration about their staffing problems and from there everything went downhill. I suddenly started to float to all the floors and sometimes find myself going home when I was supposed to be scheduled for the day. I've spoken to my supervisors about this and they are aware of my situation, but they just tell me to stay quiet.

I am so frustrated and unsure of what to do. I really want to make one year with this place because it would look great on my resume, but at the same time it feels unsafe to stay. I am currently applying to new places, but get overlooked because I don't have the acute care experience that everyone wants.

I would gladly appreciate any advice on this matter.

Thank you !

its a small nursing home so the staffing coordinator and assistant director both work on staffing (we dont really have HR). I didn't think about bringing up this issue to the Director of Nursing because she has nothing to do with the staffing. But after finally reaching my breaking point, I spoke with the Director and she didn't know that this was happening.

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