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U.S.A. Alaska


hello alaska nurses,

i am a nursing student graduating in dec...(can't wait)! i am really really really looking into moving to alaska, but first i want the opinion, experience, and comments from nurses in this state. i am looking to move to anchorage in january if the local hospitals hire new here are my questions...

will and what hospital will pay for moving expenses?

what hospital will hire new grads & if so what are the chances of being hired on the nicu?

should i wait and take the boards when i get to alaska or should i take them here in florida?

is it same to move there in january with the weather conditions?

what is the average cost of living? i did look at some rentals and they seem to be the same as here...are they any hidden fees i don't know about?

how many months a year is there no sunlight / moonlight?

how do you get to and from work in the extreme weather conditions?

my husband is a heavy equipment mechanic, how do they work outside with the weather?

these are some of my concerns, i have some others but will see what i get as responses. thank you for taking your time to read my post and hope to hear from many of you..

thank you,


You should look into central penninsula general hospital on the Kenai Penninsula. I work here currently and we are expanding the hospital signifigantly. we do hire new grads to the med-surg floor. however I work icu after only a year of experience. check out the web page.

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