Please-please Read

U.S.A. Michigan


If you see the nessage positive drug screen by me will you please read and see if you can help. Maybe you are the one that can give me some advice???? I am a christian mother of four girls struggling to pay my bills and I really could use some advice right now.

Thankyou in advance

If you see the nessage positive drug screen by me will you please read and see if you can help. Maybe you are the one that can give me some advice???? I am a christian mother of four girls struggling to pay my bills and I really could use some advice right now.

Thankyou in advance


I cannot really help you, other than to suggest that you should probably seek some legal advice. If you call your state's bar association, they likely can give you some names to call. Either that, or the board of nursing in your state. The important thing is to stay calm and be very organized. If you do see an attorney, prepare a comprehensive chronology of events and collect all related papers, etc. in advance so that you can get the most out of your time with them. (They get paid by the hour and are not cheap.) I was a paralegal for many years before becoming a nurse, and the organized client gets the best service because they help the attorney do their job: advocate for the client. I know you are frightened, but doing these things will also help you to feel that you are accomplishing something and not just sitting there waiting to be run over by the hospital administration truck. That will be worth something in and of itself.

By the way, while I appreciate --and respect-- that you are a Christian, that is not why I responded to your note. Not to climb on a soapbox, but I have this personal pet peeve about people who say "I'm a Christian" as if that should mean anything to anyone (except you and God, of course). You're a fellow nurse, and I assume you're a good person. That's all I care about and, in my opinion, all anyone else should either. Best wishes. Even though I'm not a Christian, my prayers are with you....

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