Please help!!!



I am glad there is some place we can all talk together without fear from anybody. I am very frustrated with the school that I am in right now and I love to get any advise from all of you. I am in the third semester of nursing school and I was suppose to finish next semester but because of the problem Maniac teachers have here with me I can not graduate and if that is the possibility I do not know when??

I am looking to transfer to any other school whether online or traditional program because I can not take the attitude of the teachers who do not have any business of teaching and they become teacher just because they are tired of being bedside nurse.

Please help me with any info about transferring.


Specializes in Family.

Hi sammy! Please give us a little more information regarding your situation so we can have an idea of where to direct you. Thanks!

Thank you for replying to my post. Right now I am in Illinois, and I hope I can find some other school which they can accept my credit from this school and Let me to continue with my education. I have completed about 27 credit of an Accelerated BSN program and I have 7 more classes to finish and get my BSN, but I have absolutely no hope to the future at this point, because like I've said some of the teachers in this school from the very beginning of semester tried every thing they can to get rid off me, even some of the students noticed that. So that is the reason I want to transfer my credit to any place possible.

Please let me know what other information I need to give, if this is not enough Thanx

Specializes in Family.

First I would go to the state bon's website and look for schools with approved programs. Find a few that are near you, then call them and ask if your credits will transfer. I have never known anyone in that situation, so hopefully someone will come along with more knowledge than I have.

BTW, have you spoken with your instructors and or the Director of Nursing about your situation?

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