Please help!


Hello. Can someone explain to me or define passive responses or behavior in nursing?

Like a nurse is being passive to someone like her patient or other healthcare workers.

Thank you!

Specializes in Emergency.



1.accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.

Google is a great resource. (Or a dictionary)

Example #1 Feeling content with an oxygen saturation of 90% for a patient with no history of lung disease, when you could administer 2L O2 via nasal cannula and start looking into potential causes of the problem.

Example #2 Failing to establish appropriate limitations/boundaries to family members who interfere with care or cause risk to a patient. (family members who are PT/OTs and tell you "I know what I'm doing- I do this every day for people" when you walk in and find them transferring your high fall risk patient without asking or telling you. You can never assume they know what they are doing just because they say they do.)

Example #3 Waiting for the "worst" to happen when you could be proactive and prevent the worst from happening.

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