Please help with pharmacology suffixes!

Nursing Students Student Assist


Hi Everyone! I am wondering if anyone knew of a resource that would help me learn the suffixes for pharmacology. I thought I came across a chart studyguide that somone posted but I can't seem to find that exact post. Or if anyone else has any other suggestions for recognizing the names of drugs. Thank you;)

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

they should be in taber's--if not in the general listings, then in the appendix under "prefixes, suffixes and combining forms". try looking on global rph suffixes qualify as medical terminology. an online pharmacology textbook glossary that allows student access may have them. try searching on the websites listed on this sticky: - nursing documentation

thank you very much, those sites are going to be a great help. just one more you of any charts or study guides that give clues for drug names? for example: caine= local anesthetics (lidocaine)

cillin= antibiotics (penicillin)

dine= anti-ulcer agents (pantamadine)

thanks again!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Unfortunately, I do not. Try looking for a glossary in a pharmacology book in the library somewhere. I have never heard of a pharmacology class where these kinds of questions were asked.

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