I will graduate in May 2006 (BSN), and have been thinking about the airforce. If I join it would be ~JAn 2007, after working in a civilian hospital for a year. I have 2 small children( single parent), which I plan on taking with me to live on the base. Right now my first choice base is Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. Do you think they would deploy me oversees with my family situation ( kids, etc)? I talked to my instructor who is Colonel in LA, and she said that its a slim to none chance that they send women oversees that are single parents. Is this true? What has happened on your bases in this situation? I wouldnt go in as an enlistee, I'd be an officer; do they send the volunteeers first? I don't have any desire to go into combat, I'd be happy working at the base hospiatal or clinic. Just tell me wh at u guys think. Has anyone been at Lackland? Also, where( state) do they do the health care (RN) basic training, I cant find anything about its location on the website. I know they dont do it with the enlistees training. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.