Please assist me in priority listing of these 5 diagnosis


I am doing a care plan, my patient is a male and he is suffering from left sided hemiparesis. he has dysphagia 2.

this is the list I have created.

1.)Constipation R/T Immobility and inactivity AEB infrequence of stool passage (physiological need)

2.)Impaired physical mobility R/T Left side neuromuscular impairment AEB inability to ambulate without assistance of wheel chair, needing assistance in waste elimination, going into and getting out of bed and transfers. ( safety need)

3.Risk for Aspiration R/T difficulty swallowing, lack of spontaneous swallowing, mouth, throat and tongue weakness secondary to CVA. (risk)

but a important one!!

4.Self Care Deficit for toileting and hygiene R/T left sided weakness secondary to CVA AEB needing assistance with ADL's (safety need)

5.Risk of fall R/T left sided weakness secondary to CVA ( risk)

let me know if i am correct and if not please give explanation. Thank you:lvan:

Specializes in ED.

Looks like a homework assignment to me which you should do yourself. Why don't you prioritize them and post what you get and we'll help you from there.

Think about what the patient's priorities would be and go from there.

I already handed my assignment in. But thanks for the response:)

I have already completed my care plan. That was my list. As you can see this was the list I gave. Thanks anyway??

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