Published Jul 8, 2015
110 Posts
Hi everyone,
I plan to attend WCU January, 2016 even though I will be taking my Hesi August, 2015. Reason giving I work full time and have an one year old alone with bills. So what I want to do is get my household in place alone with my finances first. Do to the fact that this is a accelerated program I know there will be a lot of effort and dedication even with your GE classes and, I do not want to work while in school I plan to get my side business up and really running so I can give this program my all. I am looking for others in the same area as me that will be attending WCU January, 2016 because I would like to set up some type of study group and support system for each other. Also if you are already in the program and have tips for new students please share I take heed and love to learn new things.
-Thank you in advance.
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Thread moved to Nursing Schools, Colleges, and Programs forum for best response.
Thank you
107 Posts
I'm also thinking of starting in January 2016, I want to get into their LVN to BSN program and I'm just waiting to take my NCLEX-PN.
Do you mean the Hesi exam?.
Do you mean the Hesi exam?