pituitary tumor case study


Need some help please!! i have a case study 40 y/0 woman with a anterior pituitary tumor. Question reads The nurse suspects fluid volume deficit related to inadequate release of adh While waiting for the surgeon to return her call what should the nurses priority interventions be?

She has undergone a successful transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. c/o postnasal drip excesive thirst flushed skin.

I was thinking monitor v/s of course. Collect sample of postnasal drip. thirst is common after this procedure. What else could be the prob here of fluid deficit?

Specializes in Cath Lab & Interventional Radiology.

The problem of the fluid volume deficit is because of the decreased ADH (basically diabetes insipidus)

Decreased ADH--> Decreased water reabsorption in renal tubules--> Decreased intravascular volume--> Increased serum osmolality(hypernatremia) & excessive urine output

Nursing Interventions:

Maintain adequate hydration via IV or PO

Mental Status Check (because of hypernatremia)


I hope this helps a little. It is kind of late!!

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