Pittsburg Nursing


Specializes in Ortho/Spine.

Hi everyone. My wife and I currently live in Northern Virginia and are thinking if moving to Pittsburgh at some point in th next few years. I am a staff supervisor on a Ortho/Trauma/Spine unit. She has NICU but has been working outpatient pediatric urology since we had our second kid(and we'll be completing the trilogy in December). I also plan on starting an NP Program next September when my son starts kindergarten. 

Looking for some overall insights. Are there many opportunities outside if the city itself?  How much can I make with some experience? Are NP clinicals hard to get in the area? Is Pittsburg family friendly and Democrat friendly? 

Specializes in nursing ethics.

Pittsburgh, historically, is Democratic. Family friendly as much as other cities of its type, formerly industrial, middle blue-collarish diverse ethnic in many neighborhoods. (See city-data.com) University of Pittsburgh has a very reputable medical school and the university does cutting edge research according to its alumni magazine. 

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