2016 Piedmont College Nursing Program

Nursing Students School Programs



I wanted to to see if there are any students that have applied to the 2016 Piedmont College program out there?

Hey! I just found this website. I applied to Piedmont and got my call just this past Monday to come for an interview! My interview is at the Athens campus tomorrow! I'm so nervous. How did your interview go?

Welcome Kristen! And congrats on your interview call!

Many interview went fine. I found it hard to read the interviewers. I was super nervous! I'm hoping on of the others will reply with how they did soon!

I feel like the interview went well for me today! The interviewers made me feel very comfortable and relaxed.

I am so excited for all of you and I am sure y'all will do great! Please let me know if you need a word of encouragement and keep us posted with how it goes :)

What kind of interview questions do they ask? I have my interview tomorrow at the demorest location and am a ball of nerves.

I had my interview at Athens this morning.. I felt like I was a hot mess haha I got nervous while waiting to go in and word vomited a little at the first couple questions. But I'm hoping my points got across and my rambling made sense and I wasn't as bad as I felt. Oh well..

The questions were basic. The only one that threw me a little was like what nursing can do for you, or what you want to get out of nursing, something like that. It was the second question and my words came out before my thoughts processed.

Does anyone know when we will hear about admissions? Or how many applicants got interviews?

LDRAY! I felt like I did the same... I definitely let my nerves get to me. I had such detailed answers practiced before I got in the interview room and then I felt that the questions they asked were so basic I couldn't truly explain myself and show them who I am!

I am so glad all you other applicants did well! I hope I'll shine in other areas.

not sure when the acceptance letters will go out.

Thank you guys for the advice. I will let you know how my interview goes tomorrow. I am sure you did better than you think ya'll did. :)

Has anyone heard any news?

I was looking through the forum from last years students and they received their letters as soon as 7 days after the last interview date!

Just wanted to update that my interview went really well. Felt like I was really connecting with both of the interviewers so very encouraged by our conversation. I asked about when decisions will be made regarding who is accepted. They said that it would be after Spring break before any letters would be sent out. They also said that we will receive word even if we did not get accepted so at least there will be no doubt of whether we were accepted. I think she said maybe the week after Spring break specifically, but definitely won't get word until after we come back from Spring break. Good luck to everyone and let's all post updates when we can!

Way to go Limik, LPN! I am sure with your experience you will be a shoe-in. Can't wait to hear more updates soon!

Not until after spring break?! Like in March?! That gives people barely a month or two before starting, that's crazy... lol

The Administrative Assistant said to expect them early March. And Limik said not until after spring break. The suspense is KILLING me!!

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