Pick's Disease Nursing Diagnosis?

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I have a resident with Pick's Disease, I cannot find any potential/actual nursing diagnoses for that resident due to lack of information out there. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in Orthopedic, Corrections.

What is Frontotemporal Dementia ?

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) describes a clinical syndrome associated with shrinking of the frontal and temporal anterior lobes of the brain. Originally known as Pick’s disease, the name and classification of FTD has been a topic of discussion for over a century. The current designation of the syndrome groups together Pick’s disease, primary progressive aphasia, and semantic dementia as FTD. Some doctors propose adding corticobasal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy to FTD and calling the group Pick Complex. These designations will continue to be debated. As it is defined today, the symptoms of FTD fall into two clinical patterns that involve either (1) changes in behavior, or (2) problems with language. The first type features behavior that can be either impulsive (disinhibited) or bored and listless (apathetic) and includes inappropriate social behavior; lack of social tact; lack of empathy; distractability; loss of insight into the behaviors of oneself and others; an increased interest in sex; changes in food preferences; agitation or, conversely, blunted emotions; neglect of personal hygiene; repetitive or compulsive behavior, and decreased energy and motivation. The second type primarily features symptoms of language disturbance, including difficulty making or understanding speech, often in conjunction with the behavioral type’s symptoms. Spatial skills and memory remain intact. There is a strong genetic component to the disease; FTD often runs in families.

Is there any treatment?

No treatment has been shown to slow the progression of FTD. Behavior modification may help control unacceptable or dangerous behaviors. Aggressive, agitated, or dangerous behaviors could require medication. Anti-depressants have been shown to improve some symptoms.

What is the prognosis?

The outcome for people with FTD is poor. The disease progresses steadily and often rapidly, ranging from less than 2 years in some individuals to more than 10 years in others. Eventually some individuals with FTD will need 24-hour care and monitoring at home or in an institutionalized care setting.


It would depend on what stage of the disease they are in and what symptoms they are having due to the disease. What symptoms did you find in your assessment?

Specializes in TCU.

I am a first semester nursing student, so I have done a few care plans.

We were told to first focus on ABC's (airway, breathing, and circulation). You need to figure out what your clients primary problem is.

I had a pt. who had many medical dx: manic depression, GERD, bilateral tremors, hypothyroidism, hypertension, hypertonic bladder, and a healing pressure ulcer on her sacrum. I used circulation (pressure ulcer) as a primary, elimination, and comfort for the other two nursing diagnosis.

Do you have a nursing diagnosis reference book, I don't think I could have done my care plan without it! I would suggest getting one if you don't.

Good Luck! :up:

How about Disturbed thought processes e.g. confusion disorientation, inappropriate social behavior, altered mood states, delusions, impaired cognitive processes

the NANDA would be: disruption in cognitive operations and activities related to Pick's disease

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Pick's Disease is a medical diagnosis. Let the doctor treat the disease. You are a nurse. Treat the patient's nursing problems. To determine what they are, utilize the nursing process. Assess the patient. What symptoms of Pick's Disease does the patient display? How is the patient able to perform their ADLs? From that information you then diagnose them. Use a nursing diagnosis reference to help you. If you have never looked though a copy of a nursing diagnosis reference, you should. Nursing diagnoses are very different from medical diagnoses. Our job as nurses is to help people cope with their environment and disease--not cure it--and to help them live their daily lives.

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