Phillips Beth Israel


Hi all! I was just wondering what my chances are of getting into Phillips Beth Israel nursing program with a high school diploma only and what I can do to increase my chances of getting accepted. Thanks!

Specializes in ICU.

If you look on their website it gives you what you need to enroll with a high school diploma. It tells you what grades and classes you need to have completed. Since we have no idea what your high school grades were and we don't work at the school we can't answer that. You will need to contact the school.

Hi Doglover109,

PBISN requires a H.S. transcript, 2 reference letters, an essay (essay topic requirements are listed on the schools site), and you must take the NLN PAX. The school requires you have a minimum composite score in the 55th percentile. Minimum verbal score of 45th percentile and math and science in the 65th percentile. Again all the requirements are listed on the school's website.

I've checked the website and know what I need to apply but I feel like I don't really have a good chance of getting accepted with only a high school diploma. I've taken all the classes that are required and listed on their website, and got an overall average of about 83 in high school. They require a 75.

Thank you for replying by the way!

You are welcome. They base your admission on a lot of factors, not just your H.S. average. They take everything into consideration, from what I have heard they look closely at your NLN score and your essay. You really won't know what they are looking for exactly until you apply. :yes:

Do you think my chances are lessened if I don't have any college experience? I am planning on giving everything I have on the NLN and the whole admission process. I just really need to get accepted into this program. Thanks again!

I don't think your chances are lessened as long as you do well on the NLN and the essay. The NLN is not as scary as it seems, I promise. You will be OK. Did you schedule your NLN exam yet?

Not yet. I am picking up the book today and I went to register and I wanted to go for March 6th but it says there are 0 seats available. Is it because I can't register this early or because people beat me to it?

Sorry, I didn't see you commented again. People have probably filled up the testing spots. Did you look for an earlier date? You may also be able to take it at an alternate location. I took my NLN in January, I had registered for it last November as soon as they had opened the testing dates.

Yikes. I didn't have an idea about the school until yesterday so I've been trying to rush everything to get everything in on time. I never took the NLN and need more time to study. There's no way I can make it by 2 weeks. I'll try looking at an alternate location. When I went to the NLN website to register, it asked for the school. So should I put a different one? Is it going to be different?

I'm not sure if you can test at another location. Some of the sites say for this school's applicant's only. I'm sure the test will be the same if you take it somewhere else since the scores are good for 2 years. You may want to contact the school's admissions department and find out.

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