PES Nursing


Can anyone help me in finding where i might find models of what the role of a psychiatric nurse looks like when working in the emergency room.

Such as how psych nurses and ER nurses decide on what responsibilities each have in thier roles.

I'm trying to find some specific models if possible.

At my current hospital we don't have psych RNs in our ED, but I have worked in a place where psych patients were medically cleared in the ED and then placed into a separate "psych" area to be cared for by psych RNs while waiting for placement. I don't have any info on where to find specific roles though, sorry.

Thank you for your feedback.

There apparently isn't a lot of info on this specific role. Some hospitals are trying to implement this but it help to have a model of what others have tried.

What is considered 'medically stable" for you in order to send your patients to the psych area?

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