Permission to Touch?

This article discusses my personal experience after attending my first Healing Touch Level I Class. I was very moved to share my story and how we, as nurses, can use healing touch in our day to day lives with our patients. Nurses Announcements Archive


I recently took my very first Healing Touch - HT - Level I Course at St. Joe's Hospital in Tampa, FL. You are probably wondering, Healing Touch? What exactly does that encompass? Several of you reading my article may even be skeptical when you hear this term. Healing Touch is an energy healing therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered way to enhance, support and facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual health and self-healing Bullock & Mentgen, 2017.

During this 2-day class, I had such a wonderful experience learning about techniques used in clearing our energy fields that I wanted to share my personal experience with other nurses. Specifically, those of you who may not be familiar with this area of Integrative Medicine.

Here are a few of the major principles I took away from the class:

1. Follow the Energy

Energy is all around us and WITHIN us! This is a well-known tenant in healing touch. As I become more comfortable and confident in my HT principles and practices, I'm able to follow intuitive and energetic guidance on how to use my hands, heart, and mind to benefit my clients. As a new student or practitioner, I gained valuable insight regarding how I experienced different messages. For example, while some in my class saw colors or images, others may have felt sensations, vibrations, or warmth. I personally heard symbolic messages and inner voices during my HT training session and felt warmth as I practiced clearing the field on a fellow nurse. It was quite moving, for sure and my hope is that with time and practice, I will learn how to follow the energy more intuitively.

2. What is an Energy Field and how do I clear it?

Clearing the energy field is accomplished by using the palmar surface of the hands in a sweeping motion. This motion must be away from the mid-line of the body, and more laterally toward the feet. There is also a technique called Magnetic Passes, which is a set of 2 different techniques. The first is referred to as Hands in Motion and can be used for Mind, Body, as well as Spirit conditions. The second is called Hands Still and is accomplished when the practitioner rests the hand on or off the body in the area of concern.

3. Meditation is good for you, set your intention early in the day.

I have always been a huge proponent of doing yoga, not only because it aids in my flexibility, but it also motivates me to slow down, breathe, and set my intention. Remember, conscious breathing is a way for us to release that which does not serve - exhalation -, and a way of taking in nourishment/light/healing -inhalation or inspiration - Bullock & Mentgen, 2017.

The HT class also stressed the importance of setting an intention prior to performing healing touch on each other. Setting an intention can be as simple as stating to oneself, I have a dedicated heart, a set of hands, and today I will do what is best for my patient. As nurses, we are so inundated with our daily tasks, that taking even two minutes to set our intention for the day not only helps ground us, but it also helps us to focus better. Becoming centered, grounded, and attuned are the first steps in facilitating healing and it sets the foundation for healing touch therapy Bullock & Mentgen, 2017.

4. Who can benefit?

Healing Touch can benefit people with a multitude of illnesses, as well as take place in different settings. Primarily, with practice and training, one can learn to store the subtle energy flow through the body to help heal oneself and others. It doesn't just aid the healing process, but it can help guide, protect, and increase the perception abilities of all nurses! Once you learn the basic principles of HT, you can set up sessions for other nurses on your unit to help with mind clearing - for those of us with a lot of mental chatter. I learned that mental clearing can do wonders for me!

5. Fuel your body with foods that are natural... and from the earth.

I'm sure many have heard the saying You are what you eat. In essence, there is a lot of truth to this statement. As nurses, especially those who work in the ED, we often find ourselves scarfing down whatever snack we can in between patients. Keep in mind, that natural foods such as fruits and vegetables that come from the earth are so much more nutritionally dense than processed foods - like snacks found in vending machines. As a nurse, keep in mind snacks high in protein help you feel full, which can reduce the urge to snack on unhealthy foods.

After attending this class on healing touch, I have an entirely new perspective on how touch can be used as a modality for healing, not only for our clients but in self-care of the healthcare worker. The light in me honors the light in you. I urge you to find that special spiritual connection, recognize of the divinity within YOURSELF, and extend a warm welcome through your touch.

If you are interested in learning more about HT, you can visit this website for more information: Home - Healing Touch Programâ„¢ | Worldwide Leaders in Energy Medicine


Bullbrook, M.J. & Mentgen, J. 2017. Healing Touch Program Level I Notebook. San Antonio, TX, Healing Touch Program.

Sounds like Reiki.

Many years ago someone performed a session on me and I definitely experienced the benefits.

Specializes in Oncology, Home Health, Patient Safety.

I did healing touch level I as well! I loved it. I so enjoy the idea that whenever I touch someone, I can send them healing energy. It has given me a new awareness of my intention as I interact physically with people. Every touch can have meaning and positive energy. Thank you so much for posting!

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