Published Sep 17, 2011
2 Posts
I was wondering if anyone can give me some insight into which graduate program would be more beneficial, interesting and rewarding. I have been very fortunate to be offered a perioperative graduate position in a very reputable private hospital and an ICU graduate program in a reputable research, tertiary facility public hospital in Queensland. As I have not done any placements in periop I was wondering if anyone could give me advice regarding this area and the benefits/cons of working for a private or public hospital.
Many thanks.
5,351 Posts
ICU is much more flexable. ICU is the path to all the best jobs in nursing. A trained ICU nurse can work in nearly any nursing field. Perioprative is much more limited and specialized.
Thanks for that, I guess I'm just concerned with entering the work force as a mature aged graduate student, I'll be 36 by the time I start and may not have the advantage of age on my side.