Pee Joke


good for pts

if you are an American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?

European :chuckle

Specializes in Med-Surg.


This joke works very well when you take I&O expecialy with little old ladies who look uncomfortable asking you to go to the bathroom or who need help getting from the bathroom to the bed. It can be an ice breaker. I had a stay in the hospital a few weeks ago. When the roles are reverced you get the feeling of helplessness. I small tasteless joke like the one I am responding to which is not raceist, demeaning, or sexual can really lighten the situation up and help the pt. relax. Think of it as a treatment of laughter (which has been proven to shorten the healing process and sucess of a treatment), you might even make a friend. Smiling in my opinion is better than any drugs, there are no side effects or contraindications. Love your job and your pts. Venice Lamb

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