Peds at Troy Montgomery


Are there any members that graduate from Troy Montgomery who can give any advice on passing peds. Alot of students are having a hard time in that area. Any advice will help pleeeeeese. Thank you.

Funny....... I just did orientation this past week, and the peds instructor came up in conversation. Maybe the instructor will change in the next year, I can only hope.

Pray for a new instructor. :cry:

Seriously though, unless you are a freakin genius, I suggest taking OB/Geri in one semester and Peds by itself.

I myself am not a genius and I attempted to take all of the classes in one semester. Personally, I feel as if I was treated unfairly in peds clinical and due to this treatment I had to drop and retake. It is not that the class material is any harder than any other class Troy has (b/c most of Troy's classes are very thorough and can be quite difficult for some folks), but the instructors are definitely out for blood. You have to know your stuff X100, backwards and forwards. I'm not trying to be negative... just realistic. There is no reason to kill yourself taking all three classes unless you absolutely have to. Give yourself a break and split the semester up. Because chances are you will either fail Peds or you'll fail OB or Geri because you studied so much for peds that you neglected those classes. And OB/Geri should not be neglected. The classes and the clinicals are very enjoyable (clinicals more than class) and you can learn A LOT in both classes.

By the way, rumor has it that some changes have taken place in the class. Pray for more.

It's doable. I say that as someone who hasn't actually finished it yet, but I'm keeping my chin up. :)

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