Psychology 100!!! :(

Specialties Pediatric


Hey guys..I am feeling so depressed, my goal is to become a PNP... Im in college now taking my prereq to get into the nursing program and one of them is Psy 100.... and im not doing to good in that class. I dont know if its because he gives us a test every other week and its multiple choice with an open text book which im guessing now it is very hard cause he makes it difficult. At the very begining I thought this is going to be easy open text book but yea right. well anyway it's close to midterms and im aiming at a c- and this is putting my hopes down, I'm guessing if I cant pass this class then whats going to happen when I finally get into the nursing program? Anyone have any suggestions about this... Is my guessing true :(!

Hi Jinx I am new to the field of nursing but I finished my Psy & Sos 101 in december and passed with a B+. AAt first it seemed I would never understand it but every thing cleaared up when I had to write a paper on the history, I was finally able to under stand what those old guys were saying. So take some time and read for interest rather than information. Try study groups since there are others who find the class difficult. Hog tie the person that isn't having any problems to a library chair and force him/her to spill all the secrets of their success. Just kidding about the tied up bit, but find the person that is sailing thru the class and find out what they know, use him/her to your advantage. God bless and good luck!!!!

P.S. I am a student TCN = LPN

Do you study psy 5 hours for each hour you are in class? You need to to make a A or B. Maybe you aren't retaining what you read.

Do you highlite & make notes in your text??

There is no reason to read THE WHOLE THING five times ! By the second read you should be reading only highlited material.

Do you know the difference in psychoses and neuroses? Can you list which diagnoses go in the psychoses column and which ones go in the neuroses column?

That helps, for starters. Psych is primarily knowing what something isn't. More than knowing what something IS.

Docs actually discuss the patients' symptoms and behaviors and discuss what all he ISN'T.

Good luck.

I am an LPN for eight years now. I had a difficult time with Psych too. Now I am in college to get my Associate Degree in Nursing and will be taking Psych this fall, hoping it will not be as difficult this time around. I think you need to figure out how you retain information best. That is what has worked me. I find I have a difficult time retaining some information so I highlight important things and I make index cards with questions on one side and the answer on the other. I heard once the more times you put info in your brain and have to retrieve it the easier it becomes to remember it. It really works for me, maybe you should give it a try. I have just realized that I learn best this way recently since I have gone back to school, just finished my first semester and getting ready to start the summer session. I would like to be a pediatric nurse practioner or just specialize in pediatric nursing. I have been working for a private duty company for the past year and my latest case is a pediatric case and I love it!!!!!!! Hang in there!!! Where there is will there is a way, you just have to find it!!!!!

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