Published Feb 18, 2005
3 Posts
Hi, i am new to this site and was wondering if anyone who uses a pda for work or school is interested in doing program swaps. me and some friends started doing this a few years ago and created quite a library of medical programs and books, and we are looking to add to this while helping out some fellow medical staff or students. just a thought.
manna, BSN, RN
2,038 Posts
Welcome to allnurses!
I have a Tungsten T5, and LOVE it! :)
64 Posts
I have a tungsten E... and I'm not used to using it yet. It's pretty new.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
hi, i am new to this site and was wondering if anyone who uses a pda for work or school is interested in doing program swaps. me and some friends started doing this a few years ago and created quite a library of medical programs and books, and we are looking to add to this while helping out some fellow medical staff or students. just a thought.
i assume you're talking about swapping freeware. to swap commercial programs without paying for them is called stealing.