
U.S.A. Arizona


i know this is a not so good question gets asked often and i know it depends on so many issues. whats the starting rate for nurse new grads in AZ area. Staff nurse or ICU? i looked on payscale and indeed and i'm getting like 40k-50k. I heard cali starting pay in hospital is like 80k. Just asking im really exciting about this....

40K-50K is correct for Arizona. Pay is higher in California because the cost of living is considerably higher there than it is here in AZ. So, just because California pays more doesn't actually mean you'll be pocketing more.

Is cali also, UNION!?!?!?

My father passed away from liver cancer, my bro just passed away from Lung Cancer, and my mother currently has Leukemia. This is all in a 7 yr time span. I'm more than motivated to help those who are in the same position as i am. If there is someone out there more motivated than me please let me know!!! thanks for your concern and info

Sorry to hear about your loss. My father is currently suffering the ravages of liver, esophageal cancer and they just discovered it moved to his lungs.

This sucks. He is a trooper, but it is beating him down. Just be there for them. I have grown so close to my mother and father since this all started. I have become a MUCH better, Son and I have asked for them to forgive me for my past when I was not the best I could be.

I have to pull myself back often from the riggers of the day to day to keep perspective that this is all a journey when we all decide the kind of human we want and are to be in this life.


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