Paying for a Residency Program

Nurses New Nurse


I was looking for nurse residency/internship programs, and found one where you pay for the program. I've never heard of such a thing before, and am a little....speechless. I know new grads are expensive to train, but paying for your own residency? Would this even count to future employers as work experience?

Here's the site: UMDNJ - School of Nursing |

I personally think the idea sounds a little ridiculous! Actually, a lot ridiculous, considering the cost. I see that this is associated with a nursing program - I looked at the clinical competency list that they provide and it seems like these are basic things that should be learned as a student during clinicals. The certifications and training they provide are beneficial - EKG, IV, and especially ACLS, but seriously not worth $4500!!! I don't know what new grad would have that kind of $$$ laying around unless they had a job, in which case I don't think they would need this program.

I personally don't think that employers would consider this work experience since you are paying for it, but it may be worthwhile to talk with someone from HR at area hospitals to see if they are familiar with the program. It may be that they frequently take nurses who have completed this program, or they may have never heard of it. I'm a little weary of this but you never know. Keep us posted if you talk to some HR people...I'm curious what their take is on a program like this!!

Wow yeah that is new to me. I know that in other countries, like the Philippines, those programs are popular where the students will pay the hospital for experience so that they could perhaps get their foot in the door after completing the program. But that seems so expensive for the courses and the amount of time of the course.

A lot of hospitals want to see your PAID experience. So even experience as a volunteer doesn't count.

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