Published May 22, 2014
141 Posts
Hello I was always searching for any information on this site about the KTP at kaplan and could not find anything Well I have finally took and passed the KTP and I will tell you it was a lot harder then I expected the little study guide they give you is complete trash ,dont even bother studying from that. The study guide makes it seem so incredibly easy well its not I recommend getting the nursing entrance book by kaplan.
Math is my worth subject and I actually did better in the math then the reading, go figure! It was almost all fractions percents and a few algebra questions there was even one roman numeral question.It got harder as the test went along.The reading was hard college level and the writting was basically a reading test
It might have been harder for me for personal reasons the night before the test I was at the childrens hospital until 4am im also 39 weeks pregnant and 4 cm dilated so i have alot of things on my mind.... good luck
3,677 Posts
Oh my! I'm guessing your pregnancy experience *may* have been a factor there! I've never heard of the KTP. Is this specific to Kaplan University?
IM not sure about kaplan university but its for kaplan college i was having contractions during the test so u could imagine!!
I think you should earn a pass just for that! LOL You're a hard charger!