passaic county community college


anyone attend this nursing program, any info about the program will be helpful:D im interested in the bridge program next may.

I graduated from here last May... What kind of questions do you have about the program?

did you do the bridge or generic? also was the program very difficult? what did you find most challenging? sorry so many questions:uhoh3:

i did the generic program. If you do the bridge program, you take nursing 2 (med surg) in the summer which it was hard for the full semester, so I would assume its even more challanging in a shorter time. And then after you pass nursing 2, you meet the rest of the class in nursing 3 (peds and maternity)... I found this nursing class to be pretty easy and straight forward. After that then you move onto nursing 4(more med surg) and then a seminar class... Nursing 4 was pretty easy as well... I know a lot of the books that the teachers took a lot of the material from, private message me if you are interested.

aww too bad i can pm yet i think i need more post :(:(:( i also wanted to know how were the instructors in the program

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