Part-time job in the medical field

World International


Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Infection Control.

Hello guys, recently schedule's been light for me and I think I have time for a part-time job. I want to have a part-time job that's still on the medical side though. Several friends suggested phlebotomy, reliever for a nurse, eyebank tech (I can't drive T_T) that have a pretty flexible schedule.

Any suggestions?

try PDN..good pay..:D

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Infection Control.

PDN is good, tried that before but I got bored :p

Specializes in Pre-hospital Care, Remote medicine.

BLS or first aid instructor.. and on-call ambulance nurse.. I did both, and both has good pay. :)

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Infection Control.

BLS instructor for what institution? Redcross requires like two weeks of integration/training. Sadly, I don't have that much time.

Sorry what is PDN guys?thanks

Specializes in Pre-hospital Care, Remote medicine.
BLS instructor for what institution? Redcross requires like two weeks of integration/training. Sadly, I don't have that much time.

I worked for an international medical assistance and security services company.

Sorry what is PDN guys?thanks


I worked for an international medical assistance and security services company.

can you tell us what company? and regarding the on call ambulance nurse, what company also?

Specializes in Pre-hospital Care, Remote medicine.

It was with International SOS. I think they just finished hiring again because recently I saw another of their ad online but I checked it again just now and I couldn't find it anymore, probably it was already filled up. Required trainings are BLS, ACLS, First aid, Defibrillation etc. Being an EMT helped me a lot. If you used to be a trainer from other organization like red cross, definitely you have the edge. :)

As with the ambulance company, it was in the province it's better that you have previous experience, again being an EMT proved to be very useful in my case.

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